SharkNinja Case Study

Home Appliances
Social by Roundel™
Display by Roundel™
CTV by Roundel™

Winning the holidays with SharkNinja

Roundel’s full-funnel media strategy boosted guest engagement and sales


SharkNinja wanted to win the holidays by reaching new guests throughout their purchase journey. 


Roundel promoted SharkNinja across a variety of channels including social, video and Target onsite to maximize reach. 


From CTV to social, SharkNinja was present at every part of the consumer journey driving high guest engagement and even higher sales.  


Sales increase
year over year.


Higher Facebook CTR
than 2023 average


New purchaser rate
attributed to CTV by Roundel, 13% higher than Ninja’s typical average overall

Cooking up data magic 

Roundel data showed small appliance purchases skew toward higher new guest rates. Knowing this, Roundel helped SharkNinja leverage CTV to deliver higher new guest percentages. 

The more media, The merrier.

Roundel increased reach and engagement on CTV, YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, and suggested running Target display placements to reach even more guests down the funnel.
Roundel was the perfect strategic partner for the holidays. They helped us reach guests on media channels we hadn’t even considered.
– Steve Throckmorton
Director of Sales, SharkNinja

Roundel solutions used


by Roundel™ 

Drive inspiration and engagement at scale through top social platforms.


by Roundel™ 

Reach target audiences through TV ads powered by first-party Target data.


by Roundel™ 

Get your brand in front of real shoppers with ad placements, on and off

Let’s talk

about your next multi-channel campaign.